Join us as Sumer gives a talk for SFAS entitled, “Indian Native Fish and Collection Trip to India”.
Sumer Tiwari is an IT Analyst by profession and an aquarist by passion who hails from Colorado. He is an avid traveler, writer and photographer – a unique set of skills he uses for his highly entertaining and informative talks.
Sumer has written extensively for AMAZONAS on collecting in India, breeding and husbandry of killifishes, dwarf cichlids, corydoras catfish and bettas, and nano fish for high tech planted aquariums. All his articles showcase his keen eye and photography skills.
AMAZONAS has donated Jan/Feb 2017 and Mar/Apr 2017 issues, and 2 one-year subscriptions of its magnificent magazine to this month's auction. See link to AMAZONAS website on our "Links" page under "SFAS Sponsors". Thanks, AMAZONAS!
The Circles of Interest leaders will provide brief progress reports.
The SFAS BoD will announce its newly-elected Executive members.
Snacks will be provided.
After the presentation, we'll have our usual Auction of tropical fish, other aquatic fauna, plants and aquarium goods.