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Friday, November 2, 2018
7:00 PM - 10:30 PM


Gary Lange

Photo: Melanotaenia species “Iwur”, courtesy Gary Lange

2018-11-02 : ​Cruising Papua - "The Bird's Head": Services


Gary has been keeping fish since he was 10 and has been associated with the organized hobby for the last 36 years.  He is a member of the Missouri Aquarium Society (MASI) and has held various positions in the club.  He is a grand master breeder in MASI, and has won "Best Fish In Show" on four different occasions, twice with rainbowfish. 

In the fall of 1987 he started the Rainbowfish Study Group of North America (RSG).  He got in fish photography mainly because there weren't many quality pictures of rainbowfish.  He has had his photos published in FAMA, TFH, AFM and ANGFA and has published several articles for the Aquarium Fish Magazine and TFH. 

In 2002 he was the first to import eight new rainbowfish into North America from the world explorer, Heiko Bleher, including the Millennium rainbow, the Zigzag (Glossolepis dorityi) and the dwarf parva rainbowfish.  In 2003 he made his second trip to Australia and did some more collecting while there.  In 2005 he took the rainbowfish collectors dream trip – collecting in West Papua (formerly Irian Jaya), the western portion of New Guinea.  He’s also made trips in 2008, 2010, 2012, 2015 and 2017.  He brought back rainbowfish that have never been seen in the hobby including Chilatherina alleni and Melanotaenia vanheurni.  With these trips he’s collected and brought back at least 15 different undescribed species of rainbowfish.  Along with his collecting partner, Johannes Graf, they are currently working on naming them.  He is currently running over 90 aquariums (~2,500 gallons, 9,500 liters) and keeping over 65 species and locations of rainbowfish and blue-eyes.

Gary will bring several Rainowfish Egg Kits to the auction.  If you intend to bid for them, you will want to read Gary's instructions on how to get ready for the eggs and hatch them.​

          Get Ready for Eggs_SFAS_110218

          Hatching Rainbowfish Eggs - By Gary Lange

Other Gary Lange Llinks:


          Take a tour of my fishroom

          ANGFA -

          Home of the Rainbowfish & Adrian’s Book


All over Papua they are making new roads leading to different river systems that were either difficult or impossible to reach just a few short years ago.  This talk will be about my 2015 road trips in Northern Papua and then down the eastern border as far as we could go at the time.  The rest of the trip will be about our 2017 adventures.  We’ll take a quick trip down to the southern side of the island first to the town of Oksibil which can only be reached by air.  Then we’ll head to the far western side of Papua, The Bird’s Head, home of Melanotaenia boesemani and several other interesting rainbowfish including the elusive blue-eye Pseudomugil reticulatus.


Snacks will be provided.

2018-11-02 : ​Cruising Papua - "The Bird's Head": Projects
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