Friday, June 7, 2019
7:00 PM - 10:30 PMÂ (Doors open at 6:30 PM.)
Andreas Schmidt has been involved in the business of tropical fish since a very young age. He started working for his parents at age 13 until their company (Metaframe) was sold to Mattel in 1972. In 1979, the family again took over the business. Since then, Andreas has had over 40 years of experience on the factory side of the aquarium hobby, including food production.
During the 1980’s Andreas operated the San Diego, Salt Lake, and Salton Sea facilities monitoring the harvest of live products, including both intensive and semi-extensive culture facilities of artemia. He also oversaw the wholesale distribution of fish, live foods, and plants until closing the operation in 1990. He commonly traveled to South America and Asia for aquaculture sales, mostly for the sale of shrimp and cysts.
In 1991 the company closed all southern california facilities and Andreas took over SFBB. Since then, they have continued to be a leader in serving the pet industry, striving to provide the best diets for aquatic hobbyists, zoos, and aquaculture industries. In 2009, SFBB purchased Ocean Nutrition to provide more consistent availability of products.
SFBB has donated to 220 fish clubs and continue to contribute to the aquarium hobby. They attend many aquarium shows and conventions including the American Ciclid Association, Northeast Council of Aquarium Societies, Reefapalooza, and the Aquatic Experience. Andreas just completed a 17-year term on the board of the World Wide Pet Supply Association.
The talk will be about the history of San Francisco Bay Brand.
Snacks will be provided.
After the talk, stay for the auction. Only SFAS members may sell, but anyone may buy.